Sales Representative Jobs in Bataan
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jobs 16 - 22 of 22
Sales Representative
- Bataan | Jan 16, 2021 Bessup Inc
- Bessup Inc - Hermosa, Bataan - ⢠Graduate in BS degree in Marketing or associateâs degree in relevant field ⢠Excellent ability to communicate in writing or verbal...
Earn 12K-18K* | Customer Service Representative | Free Shuttle | Bataan
- Bataan | Feb 20, 2021 GENPACT
- Genpact - Balanga City, Bataan - Successful candidates will provide exceptional sales and service to customers or prospects by handling incoming inquiries to the
Medical Equipment Sales Representative | North Luzon
- Bataan | Feb 12, 2021 MFT Group of Companies
- MFT Group of Companies - Abucay, Bataan - Produce sales by covering assigned territories/areas specifically in North Luzon. Minimum Qualifications - Based from Luzon
Field Sales Agent
- Bataan | Jan 9, 2021 LEIVIN AUTO CARE CENTER
- Leivin Auto Care Center - Dinalupihan, Bataan - Seeking an experienced field sales representative to attract new clients, win new accounts, and maximize profitability
Field Sales Agent
- Bataan | Dec 13, 2020 LEIVIN AUTO CARE CENTER
- Leivin Auto Care Center - Dinalupihan, Bataan - Seeking an experienced field sales representative to attract new clients, win new accounts, and maximize profitability
Area Sales Representative - Bataan
- Bataan | Oct 8, 2020 Magna Prime Chemical Technologies, Inc.
- Magna Prime Chemical Technologies, Inc. - Balanga City, Bataan - Will do coaching and responsible for the development of Distributor Sales Personnel in his/her field
Be Hired Over The Phone | Customer Service Representative | Bataan
- Bataan | Oct 23, 2020 GENPACT
- Genpact - Balanga City, Bataan - Successful candidates will provide exceptional sales and service to customers or prospects by handling incoming inquiries to the